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Revolutionising Education Management: Enhancing School Finances and Learning with an Advanced SIS Solution

by Runninghill Software Development
Published on: 6/19/2024

Our collaboration aimed to streamline school finances with efficient fee collection, ensure engaged learning with AI-driven blended education, support educators with robust professional development tools, and monitor school performance with real-time insights—all in one accessible, offline-ready Student Information System (SIS) solution.


  1. Documentation & Standards: Lacking product documentation, linting, coding standards, and standardisation for commit messages, branch names, and PR descriptions.
  2. Data & Database Issues: Data inconsistencies and non-normalized databases.
  3. Backend Development: Missing validation for API endpoints leading to crashes, and unauthenticated API endpoints for mobile applications.
  4. Testing & Deployment: No defined SDLC strategy, unit testing, or CI/CD pipeline.
  5. Performance & Accessibility: Poor front-end performance on slow connections.
  6. Security & Access Control: Lack of role-based access validation for frontend pages.
  7. Coordination & Collaboration: Difficulty synchronising development across time zones.
  8. UX/UI Design: No standard style or component library, and no standard design platform.


  1. Performance & Usability: Improved product user friendliness and usability, enhanced front-end performance and loading times, and removed irrelevant client-visible template pages.
  2. Development Standards & Tools: Implemented linting and standardised backend coding using service architecture, introduced consistent error-handling mechanisms, set standards for branch names, PR descriptions, and titles, integrated task management tools and version control, and improved error logging.
  3. Mobile App Enhancements: Introduced standardised branching strategies, database migration, UI upgrades, and expanded functionality with new features for the mobile app.
  4. Features & Functionality: Expanded functionality with new features like academic year management, scoresheets, fee collections, attendance summaries, daily summaries, and user onboarding. Extended search and export functionality, and improved bulk upload functionality.
  5. UX/UI: Started using a centralised design platform for a standardised design approach, and added a standard component library aligning with the design platform.


  1. User Experience: Improved overall user experience for new user onboarding and school leaders, modern and attractive user interface styling updates, and mobile app UI upgrades.
  2. Development: Enhanced developer experience with a cleaner and well-structured code base.
  3. App Stability: Significantly reduced app crashes during updates, ensuring smoother transitions for users.

These strategic efforts have transformed the SIS solution, fostering a user-friendly, efficient, and robust system that supports educators and enhances the learning experience for students.


Runninghill Software Development